Vouchers are additional income.

With vouchers, you can generate sales for the first time from customers who do not enter your retail store. Hire, activate, generate revenue. It's that easy.

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Earn cash through vouchers and the marketplace on loyal app

loyal app combines all of your business's efforts that affect your customer loyalty. An important part of this is pre-sales, bulk sales and/or pre-sold special promotions to your best customers - all of this can be represented via vouchers.

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Retain your regular customers through voucher sales

If you are already using a loyal app for your company, this is even better. With vouchers, you can now monetize all your regular customers and bonus card owners by informing them about your purchasable products and offers in the form of vouchers and encouraging them to buy - through push notifications, the power of the marketplace, in-app payment, and more.

Register & start with vouchers
Icon Marketplace loyal

Use the power of the loyal app marketplace to monetize customers outside of your retail store

With vouchers, every company has the opportunity to increase out-of-shop revenue. Because with the in-app marketplace, attractive voucher placements and our complete transaction and payment processing, it doesn't matter where you or your customer is right now.


Setting parameters made easy

Set your parameters yourself: gross sales price, applicable tax rate, minimum quantity (s) per purchase, indicative price recommendations, limited campaign sizes and lengths, redemption restrictions on specific days, exclusion of certain (franchise) locations And much more. Use all the tricks to maximize your sales with vouchers. And it's easy to do this via your dashboard.

Register and get to the dashboard
Screenshot Kaufvorgang Voucher in loyal App

Set up vouchers in less than 3 minutes

Setting, including all important parameters, usually requires under 3 minutes per voucher or campaign. After a short check, your voucher appears on the loyal app marketplace. For your in-house marketing strategy, whether on your own website or your social media channels, you will receive a referral link for your vouchers.

Mockup Erstellung Voucher über das Dashboard

In-app processing, payment and redeeming

Your customers buy vouchers with just a few clicks via the marketplace on loyal app. Common payment methods such as Credit card (s) and PayPal are supported. Vouchers include excellent and comprehensive processing, from payment to redemption to cancellations. From your personal business dashboard, you have access to Statistics on sales, expired campaigns and redeeming vouchers. Regardless of whether as a sole trader and/or in a franchise or lease setting as a franchisor or -taker.

Screenshot Payment methods loyal
Vielseitige digitale Lösungen von loyal. Voucher, Coupons, Digital Menu, Kundenbindung

The pricing for vouchers: 15.5%* all-inclusive. Register now or get in touch!

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*The commission is a total fee, including transaction costs. Vouchers are charged a marketplace fee, which is calculated based on the turnover generated by vouchers. Volume discounts and wholesale customer conditions (from 50+ locations) are available on request.